Sample Academic Integrity Letters

Below are four sample letters that should be used by course instructors to correspond with students when adjudicating academic integrity cases. Send all correspondence to the student’s official Rutgers email account and retain a copy for your records. Attach copies of all correspondence to the Final Academic Integrity Reporting Form.

Letter #1: Letter Informing Student of Allegation

Student name:
Student RUID:
Course name & number:

Dear NAME:

The work you submitted on your recent QUIZ/PAPER/HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENT has raised a question about a possible violation of the Academic Integrity Policy. This potential violation requires a response from you.

[Choose Option A or B]

[Option A]  You have five (5) working days from the date of this letter to respond and arrange a meeting with me to discuss this matter. You may also submit a written response to this allegation. If you do not respond within the time limit, I am required to make a decision without your response.

[Option B]  This matter has been referred to an Academic Integrity Facilitator, FACILITATOR’S NAME, who will contact you shortly to discuss the incident with you. You will need to respond to FACILITATOR directly to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter. You may also submit a written response to this allegation. If you do not respond within the time limit, the Academic Integrity Facilitator is required to make a decision without your response.

Please review this infographic for more information about your meeting: .

Until this matter is resolved, you are not permitted to drop the course or withdraw from the University. If final grades need to be issued before this matter is resolved, a TZ grade will be entered until a final determination has been made.

Letter #2: Letter Informing Student of “Not Responsible” Finding

Student name:
Student RUID:
Course name & number:

Dear NAME:

During our meeting on DATE we discussed possible violation(s) of the Academic Integrity Policy. I have concluded my investigation into the matter and have determined that there is no violation. This matter is now closed and will not be considered as a violation or result in a disciplinary record.

Letter #3: Letter Informing Student of “Responsible” Finding with Recommendation for Minor Sanctions

Student Name:
Student RUID:
Course name & number:

Dear NAME:

I have completed my review of the recent complaint that you violated the Academic Integrity Policy. I have concluded that you have committed the following violations:


My determination is based on the following information:


Consequently, I am recommending the following sanction(s):


If you do not accept this decision or the sanction(s), you have ten working days from the date above to appeal to the Campus Appeals Committee (CAC). To submit an appeal, see you do not appeal to the CAC within the time limit, this decision will be considered final.

You can find more information about the academic integrity process at

Letter #4: Letter Informing Student of “Responsible” Finding with Recommendation for an XF Grade, Suspension, or Expulsion

Student name:
Student RUID:
Course name & number:

Dear NAME:

I have completed my review of the recent complaint that you violated the Academic Integrity Policy. I have concluded that you have committed the following violations:


My determination is based on the following information:


Consequently, I am recommending the following sanction(s):


If you do not accept this decision, you have the option to request a University Hearing to resolve this matter. If you want a University Hearing, please complete this form within 10 business days of the date of this letter: If you choose a University Hearing, your request will be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct, which will contact you about scheduling your hearing.

If you do accept this decision, please notify me within 10 business days and this outcome will be considered final.

If you do not request a hearing or contact me to accept the decision within 10 business days, this outcome will be considered final.

You can find more information about the academic integrity process at .